When fussing together the powers of light and dark what are the ending results? Well why not “Our Twilight” by death metallers Barren Earth.
This effect of progressive folk textured with death metal is an instant inspiration source that has been devoured by absolutely everything from Opeth down to Pink Floyd. The heavier sides consist of intense material sounding a lot like Paradise Lost meets Jehtro Tull. Among other psychedelic rock and Finnish styling’s this fine combination consists not only if unique music captivities but a journey that’s about to begin.
Pas the misty soaked atmosphere of the melodic brutality and keyboard textures lays “Our Twilight” an eye sore insight into the most intensifying melodic death metal capable. The music surrounds your head bashing it into your skull until blood has poured out, spelling out the names of each brutalizing tune imaginable.
For instance, “Floodred, this song instantly showcases the description I just foretold about the pouring blood, hence the music begins to build up into an overlapping chaos of music that has the vocal chords being cut into pieces its growls and grunts echoing against the instrument’s doing’s the guitars soloing riffs running into the bass lines that both fall flat as soon as the drums come thundering right along in.
The music builds up fast and catchy which keeps the music constantly flowing, flowing right on into “The Flame Of Serenity”, and “Jewel”, both of which captures the music altogether with its catchy but fast racing tone and texture that overpowers the music overall – exposing its creativeness sounding precisely just like Dimmu Borgir with the keyboarding flare, and vocal uniqueness sounding a lot like Belphgor. Barren Earth’s style captures the band’s essence all around and is a band with out-going creativeness that will make metal a lot more open-minded.