Big B’s “American Underdog,” takes you behind the scenes of the real Underdog of this rap hip-hop artist. Big B goes into saying “Rapping has always come easy to me and it would have been just as easy to turn out another album about sex and drugs, but that’s like being stuck playing Guitar Hero on easy. Eventually you just get bored of it and want something more challenging.” He has taken his sound and ventured out on a musical expedition into the uncharted terrain of his own creative mind and ways. Working with the production team of J & A Productions (Dumbluck, OPM), Big B has elevated his sound to the next level by trading in his tried and tested hip-hop beats in favor for the more earthly sound and stylings of guitars and drums. While embracing the eclectic contemporary alternative rock and roll styling’s of such artists as Everlast and Citizen Cope. Big B has embraced his melodic side and stepped up his songwriting sensibilities to produce a career defining an album that will solidify him as one of the genre’s premier artists and songwriters. Being thrown about in a variety of ways and fashions going back to 2006 days and being on INKED has brought the hip-hopper out in the open and “American Underdog,” brings out that underground beat and tone through each of the tracks played fully through. Big B exposes a style that goes down the road sounding slightly like Knottonmoth Kings with a mix up of Kayne West stuck in between. All in all Big B has brought out an album worth the time and efforts of listening in on because it’s unique and creative just like the person who created it in the first place.