Author: Natasha Sapp

Student On Teacher Violence We Are Attacking The Wrong Group: Yes The Students Are Wrong But What Does That Make The Teachers Doing The Same?

Talk about a raging case of toxic masculinity, thinking the only way, the best way to discipline or manage children is to be violent with them; never truly examined, so called grown-up problem solving involves some level of violence against people younger, weaker and less able to defend themselves regardless of age. Relatedly, surprise, surprise the people who need lessons on adulting are older adults.

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Why Samantha Bee Deserves To Keep Her Job And Roseanne Barr Does Not: Hint It’s The Same Reason The Problem With The Whitehouse Correspondents’ Dinner Wasn’t It’s Very Existence.

Oh and Megyn Kelly shouldn’t have been fired for her comments on blackface less because of their acceptability and more because the premise of the conversation was absurd; who cares what a reality star decided to wear as a Halloween costume, or that a white woman decided to be Diana Ross for Halloween, Kelly was right about one thing, who doesn’t love Diana Ross?

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