Corona Virus Exposes Global Problems But Also The Limits of Progressive Policies, Progressive Based Countries

Former vice president, current presidential candidate, now presumptive democratic nominee Biden was right single payer healthcare is had in Italy, throughout Europe and it didn’t help; indicating Medicare for all would do very little to combat the enormity of a pandemic in the U.S. Similarly yes other countries are providing UBI (universal basic income), guaranteeing a majority of people’s employment wages, merely furloughing workers not firing them; yet, the question isn’t can they do it, but how long they can do it without looking like failures such as Greece amidst its financial crisis.

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Let’s Get Vaping Straight: Separating Fact From Fiction And Perhaps Instead Of Banning It We Insist On Better Devices And Vape Consumables

The problem isn’t big tobacco finding a new way to get the next generation hooked on a different variant of their deadly product after so many years of seeing smoking rates decline; neither is it youth’s unique penchant for finding the hottest it, stupid, reckless trend that could kill them. No the problem was and is a repeating one, poor regulation of a consumer product by agencies meant to do just that, utter obliviousness by creators about their own product, let alone how people would use it once placed in their hands. Leading to an ignorant public who doesn’t understand the importance of licensed vape devices and the fluid cartridges that go in them, thus the illness linked to death, double lung transplants and odd lung diseases, but just ban vaping.

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Huston And Harvey, Porto Rico And Maria, Florida and Irma, California’s Fires: Natural Disasters And The Things We Never Learn

Extreme weather, climate change takes the brunt of the blame; earths warming temperatures due to greenhouse gases changing weather patterns leading to the devastation before us while American and other world leaders deny the clear science behind it earing the scorn of our youngest generation. However virtually with every natural disaster Americans wake up to the increasing disappointment the America they thought they had doesn’t exist, the government, the safeguards they believed would protect them have left them bereft, preventions for local/regional weather phenomenon, climate change induced or not, not taken costing lives and livelihoods.

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The Facts and Myths Of Early Childhood Education And What They Mean For America’s Education Future And Needed Goals

Yes we understand the benefits of early learning can last all the way into 8th grade, can help those in impoverished areas build a foundation that lifts them out of that poverty later in life, and yes we understand every other developed nation does it at little or no cost to parents sans detrimental waiting lists and exorbitant fees. But at what cost to other aspects of a child’s life, national social structures that could easily be turned against the populous; at least if America tries too hard to imitate the rest of the world.

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Neck in Neck Race With China For 5 G: How About We Make Sure Whatever G We Have 1, 2, 3, 4…10 It Works And Works Completely For Those Who Need To, Want To Use It

Absolutely make sure Huawei, ZTE isn’t a national security threat to us or more importantly developing nations with lesser, earlier generation technology, but after that we have bigger problems/barriers to wireless, internet, technology in general both brewing and worsening for decades.

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German Vs. American Parenting: The Crux America’s Perceived ‘Failing’ Isn’t About Suffocating Self Reliance It’s About Ensuring Safety

And when we say safety we don’t mean from skinned knees, scarped elbows, natural mild consequences of acting up at school, forgetting to do the laundry or let the puppy out, failing grades or non-life threatening common life experiences. We mean safety as much from the perverts, freaks, psychos, mass shooters, deranged killers, those specifically bent on hurting children as the once labeled ‘freak accidents’ that were, in retrospect to our own upbringings, the product of mild neglect and lax safety protocols now insisted upon because of repeated serious injury, death to children.

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Student On Teacher Violence We Are Attacking The Wrong Group: Yes The Students Are Wrong But What Does That Make The Teachers Doing The Same?

Talk about a raging case of toxic masculinity, thinking the only way, the best way to discipline or manage children is to be violent with them; never truly examined, so called grown-up problem solving involves some level of violence against people younger, weaker and less able to defend themselves regardless of age. Relatedly, surprise, surprise the people who need lessons on adulting are older adults.

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Why Samantha Bee Deserves To Keep Her Job And Roseanne Barr Does Not: Hint It’s The Same Reason The Problem With The Whitehouse Correspondents’ Dinner Wasn’t It’s Very Existence.

Oh and Megyn Kelly shouldn’t have been fired for her comments on blackface less because of their acceptability and more because the premise of the conversation was absurd; who cares what a reality star decided to wear as a Halloween costume, or that a white woman decided to be Diana Ross for Halloween, Kelly was right about one thing, who doesn’t love Diana Ross?

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