Category: FEATURED

The Facts and Myths Of Early Childhood Education And What They Mean For America’s Education Future And Needed Goals

Yes we understand the benefits of early learning can last all the way into 8th grade, can help those in impoverished areas build a foundation that lifts them out of that poverty later in life, and yes we understand every other developed nation does it at little or no cost to parents sans detrimental waiting lists and exorbitant fees. But at what cost to other aspects of a child’s life, national social structures that could easily be turned against the populous; at least if America tries too hard to imitate the rest of the world.

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Neck in Neck Race With China For 5 G: How About We Make Sure Whatever G We Have 1, 2, 3, 4…10 It Works And Works Completely For Those Who Need To, Want To Use It

Absolutely make sure Huawei, ZTE isn’t a national security threat to us or more importantly developing nations with lesser, earlier generation technology, but after that we have bigger problems/barriers to wireless, internet, technology in general both brewing and worsening for decades.

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Why Samantha Bee Deserves To Keep Her Job And Roseanne Barr Does Not: Hint It’s The Same Reason The Problem With The Whitehouse Correspondents’ Dinner Wasn’t It’s Very Existence.

Oh and Megyn Kelly shouldn’t have been fired for her comments on blackface less because of their acceptability and more because the premise of the conversation was absurd; who cares what a reality star decided to wear as a Halloween costume, or that a white woman decided to be Diana Ross for Halloween, Kelly was right about one thing, who doesn’t love Diana Ross?

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Teachers’ Strike: There Is A Difference Between Paying Teachers A Comfortable Living Wage And Continuously Paying Bad, Incompetent Teachers

And there is a drastic difference between legitimately identifying bad, incompetent teachers and using that as a blanket stereotype to bash all teachers; teachers doing the best they can with scanter and scanter resources, teachers whose performance would exponentially improve, be unrecognizable in a positive direction if provided said resources.

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I Am An American Citizen And I’m Tired Of Hearing About Gun Control

Not as a second amendment zealot, an NRA stooge, not as a gun control advocate (that isn’t to say I’m particularly opposed to the idea) fed up with too much talk and too little action as school shooting after school shooting savages our future, extinguishes our best and brightest. Rather as a person wearied of hearing about gun control as if it were the only thing to control instead of violence and the impetus towards it; who recognizes unless we do that, even should gun control’s most extreme faction succeed and citizen owned guns become a thing of the past, we will simply run out of things to ban and still have humanities violent tendencies to contend with.

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IndiMusic TV Signs On As Official Partner for 2016 Vans Warped Tour

IndiMusic TV Signs On As Official Partner for 2016 Vans Warped Tour – Alternative Press readers voted the Vans Warped Tour as the “Best Tour/Festival” and Rolling Stone called it “America’s Most Successful Festival”. Now in its 22nd year, the 41-date tour will commence June 24 in Dallas, TX and end on August 13 in Portland, OR.

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