Count Your Blessings’s latest addition “Like Gum In Your Hair,” delivers 10-tracks of fun and heart racing energy from start to finish. Breaking out of the Maryland scene and into the energy packed audiences of the music world Count Your Blessings is a give piece sensation that has breaken the sound barrier making honest to good songs that hit you where it hurts.
Blasting over and over again against your ear drum, especially when it comes to these selected tunes “The Way You Move,” “Friday Night Alone,” and “Sucker For Sweet Girls,” each one being just as catchy as the last. When it comes to “The Way You Move,” you quickly put your dancing shoes on and begin dancing the night away banging your head and body in every possible direction. “Friday Night Alone,” and “Sucker For Sweet Girls,” both collide with one another bashing the instruments roughly about having the guitars creating constant riffs that have a never-ending riffing sensation which soon breaks way into a killer roaring solo. Count Your Blessing’s “Like Gum In Your Hair,” is a catchy and smart listen loaded with harmonies that are easy to remember and sing along too.
Bandmates Judson Mattingly (lead vocals), Mike Miller (guitar/vocals), Antonio Rucci (lead guitar), Mikey Green(bass), and Kenny Smith (drums) worked with producer Paul Leavitt (All Time Low, Senses Fail) to solidify the groups unique rock sound. Fans of Red Car Wire, Fall Out Boy, and Amberlin will fall head over heels for these pop rockers just waiting to dive right into your hearts and souls begging for some good entertaining music.