Natalie Perez of Natalie’s World conducted an interview with the guys of Born Of Osiris! You can also check out the video portion HERE.

1. Introduce yourself, tell me what you do in Born of Osiris and how long has the band been together?

Joe: I play keyboards and vocals.
Lee: I play guitar.
Lee: the band has been around for 3 years now.
Joe: I met Lee back in the day we’ve known each other for many years now.

2. Born of Osiris re currently on tour with Hatebreed, Cannibal Corpse and Unearth, how has the tour been going so far?

Lee: We love each other with every single tour with do. We have a house together so everything is working out great.
Joe: We’re throwing down more this tour. We’ve pretty much toured with most of these acts before, like Unearth, Hatebreed, Whitechapel, etc so this time we’re giving it our all.

3. What can be said that hasn’t been said about “A Higher Place”?

Lee: Skip this question.
Joe: Skip this question.

4. What do you want your fans to say after listening to “A Higher Place”?

Lee: It’s a growth from our last album. We have our own point of view from everything in life.
Joe: We want the people to expect the unexpected when it comes to the music we create.

5. Have you ever had a bad interview experience with a Journalist?

Lee: Oh yes.
Joe: We’ve had our interviews taken down at times. Or just straight out rude and people get the wrong idea when we’re drunk sometimes when doing the interviews.

6. Who did you think spent the most time with while on this tour?

Lee: We all have accounts for the World of Warcraft video game so we play that a lot with Cannibal Corpse.
Joe: I would say Hate Eternal because they go on right before us so they are our buddies.

7. Have any plans for the remainder of this year, and what should we expect from you come next year?

Lee: Well I think we’re doing another headlining tour.
Joe: All the bands we’ve played with we’ve been stepping it up quite a bit.
Lee: After this we’ll go home make a new album in January/February/March so watch out for that come next year along with more touring of course.

8. Any final words of wisdom?

Joe: Whitechapel rocks!
Lee: Check out our recent album “A Higher Place” and watch out for us in the New Year. We’ll have new material, new tours, new everything.